L'Ateneu d'Innovació Digital i Democràtica
Changes at "Discover the power of the “Rapid Feminist Digital Self-Defense Kit”!"
Description (Català)
Digital gender-based violence is a manifestation of gender-based violence amplified by technologies: traditional forms such as harassment, control, surveillance, and sexual exhibitionism, as well as newer forms like sextortion, identity theft, or doxing, among others.
With the “Rapid Feminist Digital Self-Defense Kit” from Fembloc, you will learn to confront these forms of violence, identify them, understand feminist digital self-defense tools, and practice safe sexting. Moreover, you can take it home with you! Because the technologies will always belong to us!
Organized by: DonesTech-*FemBloc, a project resident at Canòdromo.
*Registrations opening soon.
Digital gender-based violence is a manifestation of gender-based violence amplified by technologies: traditional forms such as harassment, control, surveillance, and sexual exhibitionism, as well as newer forms like sextortion, identity theft, or doxing, among others.
With the “Rapid Feminist Digital Self-Defense Kit” from Fembloc, you will learn to confront these forms of violence, identify them, understand feminist digital self-defense tools, and practice safe sexting. Moreover, you can take it home with you! Because the technologies will always belong to us!
Organized by: DonesTech-*FemBloc, a project resident at Canòdromo.
*Registrations opening soon.
Description (Castellano)
Les violències masclistes digitals són manifestacions de les violències masclistes amplificades per les tecnologies: l'assetjament, control, vigilància i exhibicionisme sexual de sempre incloent noves formes com la sextorsió, la suplantació d'identitat o el doxing entre d’altres.
Amb el «Kit d’autodefensa digital feminista ràpida» de Fembloc aprendràs a enfrontar aquestes violències, identificar-les, conèixer eines d'autodefensa digital feminista i practicar un sèxting segur. A més, te l'emportaràs a casa! Perquè les tecnologies seran sempre nostres!
Organitza: DonesTech-FemBloc, projecte resident al Canòdrom.
*Inscripcions obertes pròximament.
Description (English)
Digital gender-based violence is a manifestation of gender-based violence amplified by technologies: traditional forms such as harassment, control, surveillance, and sexual exhibitionism, as well as newer forms like sextortion, identity theft, or doxing, among others.
With the “Rapid Feminist Digital Self-Defense Kit” from Fembloc, you will learn to confront these forms of violence, identify them, understand feminist digital self-defense tools, and practice safe sexting. Moreover, you can take it home with you! Because the technologies will always belong to us!
Organized by: DonesTech-*FemBloc, a project resident at Canòdromo.
*Registrations opening soon.