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Changes at "Designing block themes for WordPress"
Title (Castellano)
- +Diseño de temas de bloques para WordPress
Title (English)
- +WordPress block themes have reached 1,000! This new trend allows for easy website customization, taking full advantage of WordPress's block system without the need for visual builders or external tools. But how are these themes designed? What elements should be considered to create a browsing experience just as you envisioned it? In this session, Nora Ferreirós, UX/UI designer, will share her experience designing block themes for WordPress, the differences she has encountered compared to traditional website designs, and the secrets to achieving effective and functional customization. Organized by: WordPress Barcelona, collaborating project
Description (Castellano)
¡Los temas de bloques de WordPress han alcanzado los 1000! Esta nueva tendencia permite personalizar sitios web de manera sencilla, aprovechando al máximo el sistema de bloques de WordPress, sin necesidad de constructores visuales o herramientas externas. Pero, ¿cómo se diseñan estos temas? ¿Qué elementos hay que tener en cuenta para disfrutar de la experiencia de navegación tal como la has imaginado?
En esta sesión, Nora Ferreirós, diseñadora UX/UI, nos contará su experiencia diseñando temas de bloques para WordPress, las diferencias que ha encontrado con el diseño de sitios web tradicionales y los secretos para lograr una personalización efectiva y funcional.
Organiza: WordPress Barcelona, proyecto colaborador
Description (English)
WordPress block themes have reached 1,000! This new trend allows for easy website customization, taking full advantage of WordPress's block system without the need for visual builders or external tools. But how are these themes designed? What elements should be considered to create a browsing experience just as you envisioned it?
In this session, Nora Ferreirós, UX/UI designer, will share her experience designing block themes for WordPress, the differences she has encountered compared to traditional website designs, and the secrets to achieving effective and functional customization.
Organized by: WordPress Barcelona, collaborating project
Location (Castellano)
- +Carrer Concepció Arenal 165 08027 Barcelona
Location (English)
- +Carrer Concepció Arenal 165 08027 Barcelona