Taula de Memòries
#MemòriesCanòdrom Memòries del Canòdrom
Popular culture in the Congrés neighborhood
🎙️ Collective documentation
The participants in the collective documentation comment on the attire of the dance group: "That outfit is from the 'pubilla.' The outfit represents the typical Catalan attire. Being a 'pubilla' means being unmarried". They emphasize the details of the band's costume and the character presenting the award. They mention that it could be Mayor Simarro or Porcioles, but there are doubts about it.
One of the participants remarks, "One thing that intrigues me a lot is the death of the Congrés neighborhood..." They seem somewhat nostalgic and discuss aspects of the neighborhood that are no longer present: the variety and quantity of shops, cultural events, and community activities. They also recall all the people who used to engage in common activities on the street or in facilities, such as women knitting. They also mention that the Congrés neighborhood has the highest number of people over 80 years old in all of Barcelona.
One aspect on which they all agree and express their opinion is the loss of popular culture due to the lack of continuity in these traditional events and the preference for more innovative but also more individualistic events: "The ICUB has lost, has forgotten, in some way, those cultural activities that used to foster neighborhood cohesion…".
👥Authors of the documentation
Alfred, Carmen, Neus and Enric.
⚙️ Methodology
Photograph documented collectively by participating neighbors in the group Fem Memòries del Canòdrom.
📸 Assignor
Josep Navarro (author) / Josep Navarro (assignor)
Related meetings:
We Make Memories. Memory Reconstruction Group of Canòdrom
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