Taula de Memòries
#MemòriesCanòdrom Memòries del Canòdrom
Educació i reivindicació al barri del Congrés
🎙️ Collective documentation
Seeing this image from 1965, the participants of the collective documentation relive their experiences and memories in relation to the neighborhood kindergartens, the first high schools of the Congress, the role of the church in the neighborhood, and Francoist repression.
Neighborhood kindergartens
One of the participants recalls how the nursery of the San Pío X parish, shown in the photograph, later became the Pompeu Fabra school (founded as a cooperative by parents, mothers, and teachers who decided to take charge of a different type of education themselves). The material was in Catalan, but the regulations were in Spanish (the copy of the regulations of the Sant Pius X kindergarten from 1964 provided by the participant Mercè Garcés is attached to this page). Elements of the regulations are highlighted "that nowadays if we complied with them, we would go to jail." For example, "in order to achieve greater order at the time of departure, children (aged 3 to 5) who can walk home alone will do so a quarter of an hour before the departure time."
Another participant comments that the first nurseries in New York were founded by Mrs. Casals, who also founded the first nursery in Can Fabra, which was in the neighborhood of Sant Andreu. "That nursery and others, preserved the sacred fire of '36 and Mrs. Casals. And now, in Barcelona, we have fantastic nurseries heirs of her projects." They value pioneers in education and share that the pedagogical culture is preserved in hidden places that no one knows, especially during dictatorships, and then resurface when they can, because there are people who are quietly chipping away.
First high shools of the Congress neighborhood
A participant comments that he had many friends from the scouts who were the first generation to complete all basic education at the Pompeu Fabra school. When they reached the eighth grade, which they had to move on to high school, he remembers that many students from the scouts and from the Pius school who came from more Catalanist families and linked to political issues gathered in a bloc to be able to enroll alongside the new institute that was inaugurated: the Ribas Trust institute that was inaugurated the same year Franco died.
The church in the neighborhood of the Congress
When talking about the church, two participants share that almost all the premises became property of the church. And that the church in some places was very linked to the Francoist dictatorship and in a few others, it was more open and Catalanist.
Claim for education and Francoist repression
When talking about high schools, a participant shares the fear she felt 50 years ago during a meeting that several teachers from Sant Andreu of all political colors had to ask for a high school in the neighborhood, since there was none in the entire neighborhood. "We had the tips of our fingers full of lilac ink, as we had been printing explanatory papers with the 'Vietnamese' printer and the militarswere right below the floor where we were." A participant comments that the "Vietnamese" were like Freinet printers. The participant continues to narrate her story: One of the reasons they were trying to make a paper explaining why a high school was requested for San Andrés was because this area had more inhabitants than Zaragoza. In the end, the militars saw them and left. At that time, the participant could only think about what her daughter, who was still breastfeeding, was going to eat, and that her parents were taking care of her. When she arrived, she saw that her daughter was perfectly fine, her father had gone to the pharmacy and bought her milk. She had eaten like a queen!
A participant shares that the day Franco died, he went down with several classmates from the Ribas institute to La Rambla and at 14-15 years old, they drank a lot of cava.
👥 Authors of the collective documentation
Alfred, Neus, Pilar, Mercè and Enric.
⚙️ Methodology
Photograph documented collectively by participating neighbors in the group Fem Memòries del Canòdrom
📸 Assignor
Joan Garcés (author) / Mercè Garcés (assignor)
Related meetings:
We Make Memories. Memory Reconstruction Group of Canòdrom
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