Taula de Memòries
#MemòriesCanòdrom Memòries del Canòdrom
The Indians neighborhood
🎙️ Collective documentation
The participants in the collective documentation have difficulty identifying the place. After a brief investigation, they identify that the image corresponds to the neighborhood of los Indians. The narration reflects on the differences in social classes, purchasing power, inheritance, and politics. Everything is interconnected.
They identify it as a neighborhood that was relegated amidst the constructions of progress in the area: "Historically, we saw farmlands, farmhouses, the first factories,... then, the houses of the neighborhood of los Indians appeared..." And then, in the remaining lands, they built the neighborhood of the Congress.
The participants in the collective documentation clarify the reason behind the names of the streets in los Indians: "In the case of los Indians, the founder was a man who had family in Cuba and then, what he did, was remember the names of the whole area of Cuba... All the names that the neighborhood of los Indians has are names from Central America: Garcilaso, Cienfuegos, Pinar del Río... those are names from there..."
They nostalgically remember how the neighborhoods of Congrés and los Indians were once united and celebrated festivals together: "In '86, the districts of Sant Andreu and Nou Barris were separated, but before they were united. Both the 13 neighborhoods of Nou Barris and the 7 neighborhoods of Sant Andreu were united... in los Indians and Congrés, they celebrated festivals together... Now, each one on its own…"
👥Authors of the documentation
Alfred, Carmen, Neus, Pilar and Enric.
⚙️ Methodology
Photograph documented collectively by participating neighbors in the group Fem Memòries del Canòdrom
📸 Assignor
AAVV de Congrés-Indians
Related meetings:
We Make Memories. Memory Reconstruction Group of Canòdrom
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