Taula de Memòries
#MemòriesCanòdrom Memòries del Canòdrom
Public transportation in the city
🎙️ Documentación colectiva
After a brief investigation, the participants in the collective documentation comment that the image could be located on Dr. Pi i Molist street. Although this image does not belong to the Congreso neighborhood but is already part of the Nou Barris neighborhood, the participants wanted to narrate it as an example of how the everyday life of the city unfolded. They emphasize that people from the Congreso neighborhood also had a life in nearby neighborhoods such as Nou Barris or Sant Andreu.
They highlight the presence of the SEAT 600, known as the "seiscientos" (six hundred), where "the whole family fit in." One participant remembers going to her family's village in this car with her father, mother, two grandmothers, all the luggage, and the pressure cooker in hand, which went with them everywhere. She remembers they even brought the canary in a small cage.
They also notice the structure of the street; the trolleybuses contained all kinds of advertising, even about liquor and cigarettes, and that the trolleybuses did not have their own lane like buses do now. Each trolleybus consisted of two main figures: the driver and the conductor who stood beside them and collected the fare as you entered. Tickets were for a single journey, their cost varied depending on the journey to be made, and when you got off, you had to return them. There were people who, to travel without paying, clung to the outside of the trolleybus. The transportation rested at night in the garages; these generated intense and unpleasant noises and smells.
The participants highlight the clothing of the woman seen in the foreground of the image. She is very well dressed, "not like now that we go everywhere in jeans and sneakers." They comment that before, women even from childhood had to wear skirts, "And how cold they made us feel!" Due to the clothing of the people in the image and the state of the trees, the attendees comment that perhaps it was taken around Easter.
👥Authors of the documentation
Josep Maria, Mercè, Neus, Carmen and Enric.
⚙️ Methodology
Photograph documented collectively by participating neighbors in the group Fem Memòries del Canòdrom
📸 Assignors
Tomàs Razquín Gómez, administrator of the Facebook page "Jo vaig viure al barri del CONGRÉS EUCARÍSTIC de Barcelona".
Related meetings:
We Make Memories. Memory Reconstruction Group of Canòdrom
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