Taula de Memòries
#MemòriesCanòdrom Memòries del Canòdrom
Soccer near the Borbón Garages
🎙️ Collective documentation
The participants of the collective documentation place this soccer field next to what used to be the old Borbón Garages. These were located on Borbón Avenue, currently “Acinguda del Quinze” (named in memory of the price of an intermediate tram journey). The contributor of the photograph, one of the members of the Fem Memòries del Canòdrom group, shares that her father used to often play soccer there before the space was allocated for the expansion of the Borbón Garages.
👥Authors of the documentation
Alfred, Neus and Carmen.
⚙️ Methodology
Photograph documented collectively by participating neighbors in the group Fem Memòries del Canòdrom
📸 Cedent
Neus Garrido
Related meetings:
We Make Memories. Memory Reconstruction Group of Canòdrom
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