L'Ateneu d'Innovació Digital i Democràtica
Canvis a "Dejuni Digital. Desgooglelitza la teva ment."
Descripció (English)
Podem comptar amb els dits de les mans quants anys fa que portem un smartphone a la butxaca
We can count on one hand the number of years we've had smartphones in our pockets. In a short span of time, these devices have profoundly changed our lives. The consequences are well-known: constantly being connected prevents us from taking breaks to rest. Furthermore, the most downloaded applications are making us increasingly suspicious. In exchange for a seemingly free product that simplifies our lives, enormous technological empires are being constructed.
In this workshop with Sergi Onorato, author of the book Digital Fasting: Collective Self-Help to Change Everything, we will delve into the right to disconnect. We will also gain insights into the workings of technological giants: how they capture our data, how it's utilized, how they manage to amass such substantial profits, and the alternative options available that prioritize life at the core.
Hosted by: Canòdrom.
Descripció (Català)
We can count on one hand the number of years we've had smartphones in our pockets. In a short span of time, these devices have profoundly changed our lives. The consequences are well-known: constantly being connected prevents us from taking breaks to rest. Furthermore, the most downloaded applications are making us increasingly suspicious. In exchange for a seemingly free product that simplifies our lives, enormous technological empires are being constructed.
In this workshop with Sergi Onorato, author of the book Digital Fasting: Collective Self-Help to Change Everything, we will delve into the right to disconnect. We will also gain insights into the workings of technological giants: how they capture our data, how it's utilized, how they manage to amass such substantial profits, and the alternative options available that prioritize life at the core.
Organized by Canòdrom.
Podem comptar amb els dits de les mans quants anys fa que portem un smartphone a la butxaca. En poc temps, aquest aparell ha canviat les nostres vides. Les conseqüències són conegudes per totes: estar sempre connectats impedeix que ens aturem a descansar. A més, les aplicacions més esteses cada vegada ens fan sospitar més. A canvi d’un suposat producte gratuït que ens fa més senzilla la vida, estan creant grans imperis tecnològics.
En aquest taller amb Sergi Onorato, autor del llibre Dejuni digital: Autoajuda col·lectiva per canviar-ho tot, parlem sobre el nostre dret a desconnectar. També coneixem com funcionen els grans gegants tecnològics: com capten les nostres dades, perquè s'utilitzen, com ho fan per guanyar tants diners i quines alternatives que posen la vida en el centre tenim.
Organitza: Canòdrom