L'Ateneu d'Innovació Digital i Democràtica
Volem Decidir! Àgora de secundària del procés participatiu
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Contactan's a hola@canodrom.barcelona o al 93 768 99 36Volem decidir! is a participatory process aimed at all youth aged 8 to 17 in the city of Barcelona. The process involves answering the following question: How do we, the young people, want to participate in the city?
The agora is a collective gathering of the various proposals that have been worked on in some of the participating secondary schools in the process, such as Institut Joan Brossa, Instituto Alzina, FEDAC Horta, and Colegio Sant Gabriel. The agora is open to all those who wish to learn about the proposals of teenagers for participating in the city.
Organized by: Direcció d'Innovació Democràtica de l'Ajuntament de Barcelon
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