L'Ateneu d'Innovació Digital i Democràtica
I, Robot? Entering the World of Robotics and Programming (April-June 2024)
Would you like to get closer to the world of video games, program a robot or turn fruit into a musical instrument (yes, you read that right)? Learn how to use tools like Scratch, MakeyMakey, mBot or Arduino, together or separately.
What is certain is that at the end of the workshop you will have discovered programming and robotics differently. Every Thursday, have a tasting and delve into the world of robotics and programming.
- Scratch – Introduction to programming through blocks
- MakeyMakey – Bridging the gap between programming and the real world
- Mblock + Mbot – We program our robot to solve everyday situations
- Arduino – Programming and creation of an electronic prototype
When? January 18 to March 21.
Workshop aimed at young people between 10 and 12 years old.
Dinamization: Colectic.
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ens agradaria poder exposar als alumnes la possibilitat de donar-li continuitat al aprenentatge amb nosaltres (codelearn Sant Andreu) si ho troben interesant. Moltes gràcies.
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