Taula de Memòries
#MemòriesCanòdrom Memòries del Canòdrom
From the inner courtyard
🎙️ Collective documentation
The parents of the donor, Jordi Carcassona's parents, Mariano Carcassona and Lluïsa Roca, are pictured at the exit of the interior courtyard of their apartment. The photograph was taken by their neighbor, Mr. Serra, probably when they moved in. Jordi recalls that there was a washbasin and that they used to swim in it during the summer. He explains that just this summer, if he could, he would also have done so. But now he has an old and broken washing machine that is no longer useful.
⚙️ Methodology
Photography collective documented by residents participating in the Jornada de Documentació Col·lectiva de la Nit de Memòries, held on september 30th at the Canòdrom.
📸 Transferor
Jordi Carcassona (transferor).