Growing up between screens?
Education, technologies, and democracy
1️⃣ What technological model underlies the current situation?
Today, digital devices are at the core of daily activities. Childhood and adolescence, as crucial stages of personal development and formation, are particularly sensitive when it comes to integrating digital technologies. How is this being done? How is the interaction with screens structured? What impact does this relationship have?
We contemplate how these questions align with a global technological model, where there are entities with significant decision-making power, public administrations with resources and influence, and an increasingly organized citizenry concerned about deciding how technologies enter the lives of their children. In this first session of the “Créixer entre pantalles? Educació, tecnologies i democràcia” series, we will share the stage with Tamara Fernández from the Poblenou Mobile-Free Adolescence Platform, Mercè Botella from Som Connexió, Sandra Gómez from the Ferrer i Guàrdia Foundation, and the Fembloc initiative. Together, we will exchange knowledge and experiences to comprehend and navigate this intricate coexistence.
2️⃣ What impacts does this have on the health of individuals in growth?
More and more professionals in the medical, psychological, and educational fields are warning us about the possible risks of inappropriate exposure of children and adolescents to screens. In the second session of the cycle, 'Growing up amidst screens? Education, technologies, and democracy,' we will reflect on how the digital consumption habits of young people have evolved, identifying warning signs of misuse of digital technologies. Additionally, we will discuss good practices for digital health in individuals during their growth years. To do this, we will engage in conversations with experts and research groups working to improve the digital well-being of young people. We will be joined by Anna Ramis, mother, teacher, pedagogue, and university professor, Elena Flores Márquez, clinical psychologist at the Unit of Addictive Behaviors at Sant Joan de Déu Hospital, and Elisenda Noguera Guillamet, head of the Public Health Service of the Barcelona Provincial Council.
3️⃣ How is the digitization model included in schools?
One of the concerns that many families have arises from the lack of knowledge about what is happening with screens in the classrooms. Although the center's Digitization Plan provides basic guidelines, in everyday life, teachers and support staff face this challenge. How do they approach it?
Amidst an increasingly prevalent debate about the appropriateness of digitization in the classroom, in the third session of the “Growing Between Screens? Education, Technologies, and Democracy” series, we will reflect on the challenges of this transformation and identify formats that are transformative and inclusive. From a democratic perspective and with a critical approach, we will engage in conversations with experts who have analyzed the impact of digitization in classrooms for years, and we will explore tools (both digital and analog) that respect the digital rights of minors.
4️⃣ Does it allow us to eliminate inequalities, or is it leading us to consolidate a digital gap?
The school plays a crucial role as a democratizing agent in our society. With this perspective, basic digital skills are developed from primary school classrooms, with the specific goal of ensuring equitable implementation without excluding anyone. But, what impact do these skills have beyond their acquisition? Are we promoting them uniformly?
In the fourth session of the “Growing Between Screens?” series, we will analyze the impact of socio-digital inequalities on the rights of children and adolescents. Additionally, we will present current projects that have committed to combatting these inequalities. This session will provide an opportunity to collectively reflect on these relevant aspects in a professional and collaborative context. Compartiremos espacio con Sandra Gómez, researcher at Fundació Ferrer i Guàrdia, Carlos Bajo, journalist and researcher at Oxfam Intermón, Agnès Pàmies, director of the Code Club program at the Bofill Foundation, and Lidón Gasull, lawyer and Director of the Federated Associations of Student Families of Catalonia (aFFaC).
5️⃣ What do the protagonists think?
Which impact do screens have on the lives of young people? In the series of conferences "Growing up between screens?" of the Canòdrom we have critically explored the digitization models and their relationship with childhood and adolescence. We have already listened to the adults, but what do the protagonists think? The third-year students of Institut Alzina High School in the neighbourhoood of Congrés i Els Indians present the conclusions they have reached after a research process on the themes of "Growing up between screens?". Five groups of students present the results in the form of scientific posters in the Canòdrom.
The presentation of the research by the students of the Institut Alzina High School corresponds to the last session of the series of conferences. If you want to participate, write an email to
In case you cannot attend, the scientific posters will be available until June 14 in the Canòdrom grandstands.
Organized by Canòdrom with the collaboration of Institut Alzina High School.