Taula de Memòries
#MemòriesCanòdrom (External link) Memòries del Canòdrom
Festa Major Congrés. Fem memòries
Over a year ago, neighbors began to reclaim the everyday memories of life in the neighborhood. Do you want to contribute to the recovery of this unwritten past?
On the occasion of the Festa Major del Congrés, we gather at Can Clariana to celebrate a day of collective documentation. Alongside the Can Clariana Memory Group, we will expand the memories stored in Canòdrom's Living Memory Bank.
We will work with photographs that neighbors have brought to Canòdrom in recent months, which have been digitized with the assistance of professional services.
Organized by: Canòdrom with the Can Clariana Memory Group.
Carrer Felip II, 222 08027 Barcelona
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