AI, Rights and Democracy
#IADretsDemocràcia Risks and powers of artificial intelligence
Session 5 | Critical Pedagogy for Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence has reached its peak in media popularity and utilization. It is now a fixture in large media newsrooms, used in offices for grant writing, applied in administration to assess requests for social assistance, and even accompanies us at home, suggesting series we might enjoy. Moreover, it's on the streets, identifying potential disturbances to theoretical public peace. But how does data processing actually work? How are these results achieved, and how can we learn from incorrect outcomes?
In this theoretical-practical session with the Col·lectiu Estampa, we delve into the inner workings of AI models. How is the automation of text and image generation achieved? What methods are used to identify image contents? What are the environmental and political implications of the current AI model?
The Canòdrom puts theory into practice and continues the discussions that have arisen within the context of the AI, Drets i Democràcia cycle, exploring the potential and limitations of artificial intelligence.
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